Tarot Key 5: The Hierophant and Chasidim, Written by an Auckland Frater
Printed in the Zenith News Notes No 126, December 2019
The Path of Chesed: A Journey of Compassion and Service
The Chasidim are individuals, who, through utter dedication and devotional work in the Qabalistic Tradition, have attained the level of consciousness attributed to Chesed, the fourth Sephirah on the Tree of Life. The qualities of their consciousness are simply outstanding, and are given considerable attention in the lessons of B.O.T.A. We are told:
Devotion to the One Self and the Path of Service, Key 5 The Hierophant
- The Chasidim are they who devote themselves wholly to becoming receptive to the instruction of the One Self, pictured as Key 5 The Hierophant. They are persons who turn their mental gaze inward, away from the distractions and illusions of outward appearance in the world of name and form. They seek to cultivate their desires and improve their knowledge by continual communication with the One Self. Their purpose in this is to fit themselves to minister to the welfare of humanity. Theirs is no selfish quest. They seek to be servants of the Most High. In them is active the basic psychological quality of the fourth path of Wisdom, namely Memory. The Chasidim are men and women who never forget their dependence on the Cosmic Life.
In the Grades of the Rosicrucian Order, they are called Exempt Adepts. They are free from all thought of being heavily laden, free from all thought that they must be burdened by past karma, or weighted down with responsibilities. Free also, from feeling that anything they do is hard labour. For they live in continual realisation of the promise, ‘cast your burden on the Lord and He will sustain you.’ Psalm 55:22. (32 Paths of Wisdom 14)
Living in Recollection of Union with the Central Self
- They abide in perpetual recollection of their perfect union with the Central Self. Their lives and works express that recollection in loving kindness, in unfailing benevolence and in perfect goodwill to all beings. (TOL 35:2)
The Role of Compassion in the Chasidim’s Spiritual Practice
- Compassion is the quality, more than any other, which reveals a genuine member of this advanced grade of the Inner School … such a person cannot say an unkind thing, nor do harm to anyone. Furthermore, such a person never displays a trace of egotism. He knows he does no slightest thing of, or by, himself. Praise or blame do not move him.
A true Chasid remembers the main features of one or more of his past incarnations. This is what is veiled by the ancient declaration that he who knows the inner meaning of the path of the letter Vav knows the reason of the past, present and future. He knows eternity, which is the reason or cause of time. (Tree of Life 18:2)
The qualities and the level of commitment of a Chasid stand as a beacon to aspirants on the Path of Return. The lessons give valuable statements of truth that we may practise daily to help us attain this grade. In the affirmation list that follows, some are from, while others have been inspired by the B.O.T.A. lessons.
Chasid Affirmations
Today: I am a Centre of Expression for the Primal Will to Good –
a channel for the Limitless Life Power to manifest its infinite potential for beauty and success.
The One Life is the real me – this amazing body, all thoughts, feelings and activities.
I open my heart and mind to the One Self, to the Living Presence within and around me.
I see the One Reality in all people and things, in all thoughts, feelings and situations.
I look upon every circumstance as a dealing of God with my Soul.
The Holy Guardian Angel lights the Path before me and before every person in the world.
Read more about: The Cloud upon the Sanctuary by Karl von Eckartshausen
Learn more about: Chasidim (or Hasidim)