There is an ancient maxim, known in many spiritual traditions,
that simply states,
“When the student is ready,
the Teacher will appear…”
And here you are. Welcome.
It’s not by chance that you’ve arrived here. In fact, you will most probably feel as if you have been searching your whole life. You may have had a mystical experience when you were very young, or a conversation that touched your heart, or an encounter that ignited a flame inside you. You knew it was meaningful, and you stepped onto an earnest seeker’s path.
We know, this kind of quest isn’t without its challenges. It’s how Life itself strengthens and grows us…preparing us for this moment. A moment where your journey has led you to the steps of a Temple of Ageless Wisdom.
Welcome to this Temple. We are the Builders of the Adytum. What is an Adytum? The Latin word comes from the Greek, ‘Aduton’, simply meaning place. In our teachings it is known as the ‘Innermost Place of the Most High’ within the Temple. Through study, meditation and group work, we come to understand that this Temple is also within us. What we build, according to Divine Blueprint, is ourselves.

Regular Events
Qabalistic Service
Every Sunday starting at 10.30am
A devotional healing service patterned on the Qabalah.
Tarot Classwork
Every Tuesday (except the first and last of each month) starting at 7.30pm
Recorded lectures by Ann Davies.
Tree of Life Meditations
Last Tuesday of each month starting at 7.30pm
Guided meditations on the Qabalistic Tree of Life.
First Tuesday of each month starting at 7.30pm
For initiated members.
Qabalistic Healing Service
Every first, third and fourth Sunday starting at 10.30am
A devotional healing service patterned on the Qabalah.
Tarot Classwork
Every fifth Sunday starting at 10.30am
Second Sunday of each month starting at 10.30am
For initiated members.