An Introduction
I was searching and all the while thinking to myself, ‘If only there was an occult school where I could learn all these things?’ It was as if I had a flame under me that was trying to find the right place to burn.
–Frater D
As the 13th Century Sufi poet Rumi said, “Whether one moves slowly or with speed, the one who is a seeker will be a finder.” Desire leads us to know ourselves and so, first we seek, and then we find.
When we join a Mystery School such as Builders of the Adytum, it is as if, little by little, a holy alchemy takes place within us. We are slowly transmuted, until we come to truly know that we are nothing other than Divine in Human form. We are That: Divine Light in Extension.
It is then we remember the invisible hand that reached out to us before the beginning of our journey, and we come to know our sacred task is to offer that same Light to each one we meet… in every act of love and service.
This path of dedicated study and service is not for everyone.
But you have found us.
And so, if you are ready, our fellowship and these Ageless teachings are here.
Applying to become a member of Builders of the Adytum
Committing to a Course of Study with BOTA
In the past, these mystery teachings were passed from teacher to student, from mouth to ear, in person. Today, with members all around the world, BOTA teaches by correspondence. You will receive a new set of lessons by mail each month. This means that “the Teacher” is always present wherever you are, and that you can “attend” these lessons in your own time. By making a commitment to study for as little as fifteen minutes a day, you will quickly begin to see results. If you do the exercises the lessons suggest, and then apply them to your daily life, you will see how your life begins to reflect your dedication and deepening understanding. You will see that your Life is also your Teacher.
What does active membership of B.O.T.A. involve?
If you are sincerely interested in BOTA’s teachings, you can apply to become an active member. Membership is open to all: men and women of any age, colour, race, creed, gender identification and sexual orientation. Neither do you have to give up any other religion or spiritual discipline you may already practice. When your application has been accepted and your enrolment as an associate member is confirmed, you will begin to receive your lessons. At the end of each course in the BOTA curriculum, there will be a test of the knowledge you have received. Your answers to these test questions will be read with care, and you will receive a considered and helpful response. If you have demonstrated your applied knowledge of the lesson material, you will then begin to receive the lessons for the next course you will find that each course builds on the previous one, and you will incorporate and consolidate this growing body of knowledge within yourself, and within your life.
The Privileges and Terms of your Membership
As a BOTA member you can request that your name and those of your family are placed within the meditative healing work regularly conducted in the Temple. This subtle healing work is intended to complement, but not replace, the methods and work of any of your healing practitioners, doctors or clinicians.
Please be assured that we will strictly preserve your privacy at all times, and your name will never be given to any other person or organisation without your permission.
If you sincerely desire it, you can also share in the initiations, ceremonies and rituals of BOTA as you become suitably prepared for this privilege by your dedicated study.
Please understand that these privileges range from the public presentation of the teachings to the deeper inner practices and instruction. These privileges of membership can never be bought. Membership itself is a privilege, because you will be linked to a body of dedicated people who are as much concerned about lifting all human suffering, as they are about their responsibility to develop their own spiritual fitness.
Your membership naturally includes the responsibility to support the work of BOTA. BOTA is a strictly non-profit organisation. Our custodians give their time and effort without any payment for their service. They do this for the sake of the work and the privilege of extending these remarkable and important teachings to a world that so urgently needs them. Our fees are kept to an absolute minimum, to exclude no one, and only to meet the actual operating costs of the service to the work and its members.
Am I ready to join BOTA?
Before making any decision about joining BOTA, please read and seriously consider all the information available on this website. Let your heart be your compass here.
BOTA never urges anyone to become a member. It is a step you must take for yourself, without any enticement or persuasion of any kind. Our obligations prohibit this. When you do make the decision to apply, of your own free will, please know that you will be welcomed so warmly, and you will become the recipient of such help and loving cooperation from so many sources now hidden from you.
Sometimes prospective members remain undecided about joining an organisation like BOTA, because they are not sure whether they are ready and able to take such an important step. If you find yourself hesitating, please remember what we have already said, “When the student is ready, the teacher will appear.” You can think of this principle in two other ways, and it’s important to consider both these nuances. Please understand and be reassured that, “When the teacher appears, the student is ready”; because “Until the student is ready, no opportunity to receive instruction in the Ageless Wisdom will present itself.” From this, you can feel reassured that since the opportunity is here, you are ready and able to begin this Work.
Finally, let us say what those who have stepped onto this path have discovered – that once you have glimpsed the vast possibilities of the journey before you, you will find it impossible to turn back. The world, and life itself, will reveal new meanings that will completely and permanently displace your old assumptions. Any old fears, failures and frustrations that you may currently have will vanish, replaced by new courage, excitement and success, coupled with a fresh and enthusiastic approach to life and its challenges. You will also develop a deep-seated sense of wellbeing founded on your growing knowledge and understanding of the abundant and dynamic generosity of the Source of all life.
How to Join BOTA
In order to join BOTA and start receiving lessons, you will need to complete a one-time registration. To register and pay your initial fees, please fill out our Membership Enrolment Form, after you have read the information below.
Your Membership Fees
Membership fees for New Zealand members are NZ $15 per month. If two people in the same household wish to join, they can for a total of NZ $16 per month. You will receive one set of lessons to study and share between you.
Membership fees for Australia and other Asia/Pacific members are NZ $17 per month, and again, two people in the same household can join for a total of $18 per month. You will also receive one set of lessons to share. The additional cost simply covers postage outside of New Zealand.
If you reside outside the Asia/Pacific region you will need to apply for membership with our headquarters in the U.S.A.
Your Fees as a Current Member
For current members wanting to renew their membership or make a donation to the Order, please log on to your account.
If you have any questions related to becoming a member, or your current membership, please contact us.