The Great Seal of the United States— Its History, Symbolism and Message for the New Age.
This was originally published in the Zenith News Note No 114, Dec 2016
This beautiful little book explains the history and symbolism of the Great Seal. It gives messages for the New Age, inclusive of the many and varied meanings of the important occult number 13 through to the 13 time periods of 13 years each, from 1776 until 1945. It makes for fascinating reading with information beginning with those who were involved with the formation of the Seal, Freemasonry and its influence and then the explanations of the symbolism of both sides of the Seal.

The obverse side of the Seal

The reverse side of the Seal
— Dr Paul Foster Case
A selected passage from pages 32-33 reads:
“The foundation of the work which will complete and perfect the New World Order must be the recognition of the Christos in every human heart.
Further, that the work to be done must proceed from the principle summed up in the name Jesus, which signifies, ‘The nature of Reality is to Liberate.’
Analysis of all the errors of government and economics that today threaten civilisation will always show that the evils in human thought and action have their roots in the belief that the nature of Reality is at bottom inimical to man, at bottom, a principle of bondage, not of liberty.
Out of this seed error grows all tyranny, no matter what form it may assume.
The New World Order must begin with the principle set forth by implication in the words of The Declaration of Independence, that the laws of nature and of Nature’s God, are but variations of this one basic law of liberty.“
Further information:
The Great Seal of the United States was first published in 1935.
This is available as an ebook from Booktopia.
It is also available from Perlego.