Tarot card key 0 The Fool - illustration featuring a person with a green wreath on their head holding a staff. A red satchel dangles from it. They stand under a bright yellow sky with a white sun and radiating rays in the background.

Tarot Key 0: The Fool 


19 Posts Published




Reverend Will Chesterman

Printed in the Zenith News Notes No 114, December 2016.

Introduction to The Fool

In this reflection on Key 0, The Fool, Reverend Will Chesterman explores the hidden, subconscious forces symbolised by The Fool’s black wand. He reflects on how true sight and understanding of these occult powers allow us to measure and navigate life with greater mastery and awareness.

Tarot card illustration of "The Fool," featuring a figure in colorful clothing holding a staff with a bag over the shoulder and a white rose in hand. A bright sun shines in the background against a yellow sky.

The Hidden Powers Represented by the The Fool’s Wand and Wallet

The wand of The Fool is black because it represents occult (hidden) powers. When we measure truly, a secret force is made manifest in human personality.
Our knowledge of this helps us to arrive at correct measurement of our environment. Without consideration of the hidden powers or forces, our estimates would be inaccurate. We might say our wallet would be short of the quality of memory that would assure accurate measurement of our environment.
Because the wallet is primarily the symbol of the powers of subconsciousness where power lies is memory.

Aspiration and the Symbolism of the Eagle

We do have a strong inducement to pursue aspiration which has its roots in subconscious desire, and to the quality of the reproductive forces associated with the eagle. The astrological sign of Scorpio is associated with two symbols, the first is the scorpion. The second is the eagle – to rise like the eagle, the bird of Jupiter!
As king of birds, we might say it has dominance of the element of air. But note its eyes, its amazing sight, it is all-seeing. It’s just this kind of sight that unlocks both conscious and subconscious powers.

Reverend Ann Davies  in a green floral dress and Reverend Will Chesterman in a suit sit side by side, smiling, in a warmly lit room with plants in the background.
Reverend Ann Davies and Reverend Will Chesterman, 1969

Mastering the Hidden Powers of Life

The way we look at ourselves and at life – this decides whether we are simply a puppet of subconscious or whether we are maturing in mastery of its hidden powers.
Or whether we really think that human life is governed by chance, fate or even luck or that all events in human life are really internal and proceeding from the universal intelligent Life Power which is the mover and knower behind all phenomena of the universe.

We affirm: I am a centre of expression for the primal Will to Good which eternally creates and sustains the Universe.

All our work is in the Yetziratic world of formation.

“The way we look at ourselves and at life – this decides whether we are simply a puppet of subconscious or whether we are maturing in mastery of its hidden powers.”

Reverend Will Chesterman 

Read more here by Reverend Ann Davies: The Magic of Light versus Evil Influences: A Lecture by Rev Ann Davies

More about Reverend Will Chesterman, Chief Prolocuter of New Zealand, 1967 can be found on bota.org.