A tarot card featuring a hooded figure holding a lantern, representing the Hermit. The card is placed among a spread of other colorful tarot cards, each partially visible and displaying intricate designs.

Tarot Key 9: The Hermit – Light in Extension


19 Posts Published




By Dr. Paul Foster Case

Reprinted in the Zenith News Notes No 121, September 2018. Originally from Zenith News Notes No. 11

Introduction to Light in Extension – The Hermit Tarot Card Key 9

In this exploration of The Hermit, Key 9 of the Tarot, Dr. Paul Foster Case delves into the concept of “Light in Extension,” emphasising that all manifestation is derived from a singular source of Light. He explains how the Hermit symbolises the self as the indivisible essence of existence, guiding individuals to recognise their connection to this universal Will. The article discusses the significance of the Hebrew letter Yod and how it embodies the foundational aspects of our lives. Through practical exercises, readers are encouraged to engage with the sense of touch and cultivate an understanding of their inner divine energy, ultimately aiming for a deeper realisation of their desires and connection to the One Light.

A tarot card depicting an elderly man with a long beard wearing a hooded robe. He holds a staff in one hand and a lit lantern in the other, standing on rocky terrain. The background is a pale blue sky.
Tarot Key #9: The Hermit

Understanding Light in Extension

You have learned that everything in the world of manifestation is made of Light, condensed and congealed into tangible forms, and this has received abundant confirmation from modern science. ‘Extension’ is related to space, as when we say that extension is that property of a body whereby it occupies a portion of space. Light in Extension has ancient occult associations. It is the English of a Greek phrase used in the sacred mysteries of Eleusis.

The Symbolism of Key 9

In Key 9, this idea of the extension of light is represented by the star in The Hermit’s lantern. The Hermit is the Self, the One, Indivisible Being of whom persons are centres of expression. That Self is also the only Will-source in the Universe. All personal volitions are really only our responses to that One Will. The basis of all personal activity is our participation in that One Light, and in the power of that One Will.

The symbolism of Key 9 is associated with the fundamental letter of the Hebrew alphabet, Yod, which is a component part of every letter in the Flame Alphabet. In Qabalah, the number 9 is named ‘Foundation’, so that the number of this Key stands for all that is basic in our lives.

In Key 9, this idea of the extension of light is represented by the star in The Hermit’s lantern. The Hermit is the Self, the One, Indivisible Being of whom persons are centres of expression.

The Lesson of Key 9

Put simply, the lesson of Key 9 is that our personal lives, in even the least particulars, are responses to the flow of energy originating in the One Self. Whether we know it or not, that Self is what is designated by the pronoun ‘I’ and the letter Yod (equivalent to ‘I’) is also the initial letter of the word IHVH (Jehovah), indicating God, and of the noun IChIDH (Yekhidah), the term Qabalists employ to designate the One Self.

The Role of Touch

Because the hand (Yod) is the creative instrument of the greater part of human achievements, the emphasis in this pair of lessons is on the sense of touch. Touch is basic in all use of tools. He who suffers from a sensory paralysis which destroys his sense of touch can neither hold nor guide tools. Touch is the foundation of all activities calling for manual skill.

Realising Tangible Desires

Now, whatever we handle, as shown in the first paragraph of this article, is light in extension. Whenever we touch anything, we are actually touching radiant energy, made tangible and solid. Moreover, to realise our heart’s desire, tangible and solid things must be brought into being. No matter how abstract our ideal may seem to be, there is always something that can be touched included in the actual realisation.Thus, the exercise for this pair of lessons is twofold:

  • First, while you are working with Key 9, experiment with touch. Give special attention to your hands. Notice more vividly the slight differences in the feel of, say, a pencil and a pen.
  • Second, examine your mental image of the external result which will be produced by the realisation of your heart’s desire, paying particular heed to tactile sensations.
  • Third, before beginning any new activity, remind yourself that the power expressed through your handiwork is a special manifestation of the Divine Energy of the Eternal Hand.
  • Fourth, give a little time, several times daily, to seeking interior contact with what The Hermit symbolises.

Read more about the Tarot Key 13: The Final Transformation, 24th Path of Wisdom