Author: Leyla

15 active posts

John – The Beloved Disciple in his old age 

John – The Beloved Disciple in his old age 

In the profound reflections of John, the Beloved Disciple, we are invited to witness a deeper understanding of Jesus as both the divine and the human. Through the lens of Kahlil Gibran’s poetic writing in Jesus, Son of Man, we explore the intimate connection Jesus shared with the Father and His role as the “first Word” of God.

The Story of Jesus’ Temptations 

The Story of Jesus’ Temptations 

In the wilderness, Jesus faced three profound temptations that challenged His spiritual resolve. These tests, of security, power, and vanity, are not only central to His story but offer timeless insights for our own spiritual journeys. In this article, we explore the deeper meanings behind each temptation, revealing how they relate to our modern struggles and the path of self-discovery. Join us as we reflect on how to align our actions with a higher purpose and navigate life’s distractions.

Joseph of Arimathea (from Jesus, Son of Man) 

Kahlil Gibran beautifully portrays the dual streams that ran through the heart of Jesus—the stream of kinship with God and the rapture of the Kingdom of the Above-World. In this deeply reflective passage, Gibran shares his journey of self-discovery and spiritual insight, encountering the paradoxes of life and compassion along the way. Explore how Jesus’ teachings inspired Gibran’s understanding of love, mercy, and the eternal fragrance of divine wisdom that endures long after the cedar tree has fallen.

Joseph of Arimathea (from Jesus, Son of Man) 
Tarot Key 5: The Hierophant  and Chasidim

Tarot Key 5: The Hierophant and Chasidim

Learn how the Chasidim, through deep devotion and Qabalistic practice, attain the elevated consciousness of Chesed, the fourth Sephirah on the Tree of Life. Discover the transformative qualities they cultivate—compassion, humility, and a selfless desire to serve humanity. By turning inward and aligning with the One Self, they embody loving kindness and goodwill. Explore their example and learn actionable lessons to help you progress on your own Path of Return, inspired by the teachings of B.O.T.A.

The Cloud upon the Sanctuary – Karl von Eckartshausen

Discover “The Cloud upon the Sanctuary” by Karl von Eckartshausen, a profound exploration of unity and divine wisdom. This work emphasizes the importance of a singular Brotherhood of Truth, united in the pursuit of Light through Jesus Christ. As we approach a new era of enlightenment, Eckartshausen invites readers to seek wisdom and love in a true community dedicated to spiritual growth. Uncover the secrets of nature and the essence of Light in this timeless spiritual guide.

The Cloud upon the Sanctuary – Karl von Eckartshausen
The Light in Extension – A Lesson in Understanding L.V.X. Symbolism

The Light in Extension – A Lesson in Understanding L.V.X. Symbolism

Explore the meaning of L.V.X., derived from the Latin word for Light, and its significance in Western occultism. Representing the number 65, L.V.X. symbolizes the union of the Pentagram (5) and Hexagram (6), reflecting the Christos’ control over natural forces. This powerful number also connects to the Hebrew term for Temple, underscoring the divine presence within. In Rosicrucian tradition, L.V.X. embodies the mystery of the cross, linking wisdom and power to the One Light at the heart of humanity. Join us in dedicating our work to the manifestation of this radiant Light.

Tarot Key 19: Grandchildren of the Sun

Here Dr. Paul Foster Case presents the idea that all life, culminating in humanity, is a direct expression of solar energy. He emphasises the unbroken chain of existence connecting each person to their origins in the solar radiance. The article illustrates how the power of faith, represented by Key 19 in Tarot, can transform personal lives and enhance confidence in one’s abilities.

Tarot Key 19: Grandchildren of the Sun